Crucify me for my sins,
As it is I’m way to old…
But send me back my mirror twin,
Hear this prayer of my dead soul!!Anticipated judgement is on its way,
From angels for I’ve been told…
God is dead; whoever says,
See Yourself!! How he hears the prayer of a dead soul!!Magnanimous vision I have foreseen,
I’m told to declare it nice and cold…
To see wheels of time stop I’m keen,
When he hears the prayer of this Dead soul!!Chariot of fear I ride chained me back,
Won’t let me cross the threshold…
With immeasurable courage that I lacked,
No answer for the prayer of my dead soul!!With ambitions I rise and fall,
Unreasonable powers have taken control…
Get me new dreams I’ve dreamt them all,
Or forget about the prayer of your dead soul!!
The Prayer Of A Dead Soul

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