Depression!!? Don’t fight it! Nurture it!

What’s wrong? ‘Nothing’ is wrong!

Well, before I start off with what I have to say, I’m inclined to mention, however briefly, who am I! Blessed with a wonderful and loving family, surrounded by friends who instil hope and inspiration in me on every step and at regular intervals whenever needed, have been provided for every basic to luxurious need till now, a college dropout who thought at the time that there is something more passionate pursuit he wants to go ahead with, started a theatre group then, recently realising the futility of it depending on numerous other factors which are not in his control, and right now without any regret I proclaim to be a writer, who wants to be a professional guitarist someday. All in all, I’m almost thirty and believe me when I say, I feel like an accursed soul bound to get lost into oblivion.

Eugene Ionesco Quotes by The Performers
Eugene Ionesco Quotes by The Performers

Mine and Yours… unspoken thoughts!

Consider me a friend, a friend who is not talking to you, rather a friend who is speaking your mind, giving shape and sizes to all those thoughts that linger on and hover over in your head, and have vowed to remain so till they are given a face. A face that will mitigate their pain of not being expressed and finally lead them into the conscious world of light. This desire to fill the lacuna in my and yours uninspired life is driven not by any volition to discover that which remains unknown, rather ‘by knowing what will remain unknown!’ Nothing that has been done or being done makes iota of a difference to what remains unknown, it stands hidden somewhere deep in our understanding of ourselves and of which some balanced souls have made some abstract sense that requires no more further vibrance, for it is potent in itself to make their modest attempts to live, look sensible.

Michel Foucault Quotes by The Performers
Michel Foucault Quotes by The Performers

Balanced & Peaceful Life! Do you really think you need it?

It is just not a faint curiosity to walk over and just peep into the secrets of this mystified modus operandi with which world is heading, nor is it desire disguised in conceit, this task itself befalls onto those who revere and feel amazed by the way this apparatus works, and who better to pursue it than us who are unfit to match the vigour requisite for a peaceful life or to be precise, a balanced life. Ha! A balanced life! What in fact does it mean? Providing an explicit elucidation of what will be a peaceful life and how it is achieved would be rather wearisome, and only honourable thing to do is to accept that its rather achievable in a very distinct sense by perseverance and constantly thriving to cultivate one’s understanding when it comes to success, love and self-content. Who will deny that the path for achieving everything worthy needs a sincere vigour, regardless of any belief held by anyone, to make that desire look unworthy in itself. But as it is, everything that is worthy for some, seems to get involved in a strife with a thought that undermine its fundamentals, and are not the fundamentals dictated on the judgment of right and wrong? Measure of every thought and all actions are inherent to morals and ethics! Morals and ethics are vulnerable to the existing dogmas of a society! Society exists as a whole and yet is disintegrated into factions that struggle within themselves to get heard! Alas, everybody gets heard and nobody listens! Although it is spectacular to see the way by which these balanced people lead their lives, I guess they have an excellent finesse to subsist under this system. Sometimes out of sheer desperation don’t we covet their skill to survive and make progress in this virulent world. They have a well planned idea that implements itself and adapts to their will. Apart from the rare occurrences of formidable emotional or professional crisis, nothing impedes the calm flux with which they resonate with life. But we can’t! It seems that we could definitely use some empirical succour for our indigent selves. But still it looks unlikely because ‘What we want is what we’re not aware of, rather we know the intrinsic preconditions, which can lead to that something, something which alludes to its existence somewhere in our thoughts. We can see it, but just can’t explain!’

Umberto Eco Quotes by The Performers
Umberto Eco Quotes by The Performers

We are special… not unfortunate!

It’s unfortunately tragic that the mould that forms people like me and you is a bit eccentric that leads to the extreme of either poles. Balance becomes our natural foe and strikes a chord deep within, plunging us into abject misery, where solace can only be found in acquiring an extreme axis to sit and rotate on inexorably. Just like others have balance, we have these extremes, but unlike them, a mere sturdy approach towards either of these extremes doesn’t suffice, rather it ossifies the gift of affinity which was bequeathed onto us by some divine intervention. And when this happens, result is; subjugation to the minutiae! It is without doubt far easier to defend the balance these people pursue, but this vacillation to choose between the two extremes is rather wearing. One of them leads into oblivion; where, whenever we cease to be we cease to exist in every form and yet in harmony with it, and, another to immortality: where posterity mentions us with deference, for our inviolable and insatiable urge to act altruistically. And let us my friend, today, in fact right at this moment announce that, “Getting lost in to oblivion and and to be omnipresent; Both of them we resolutely implore”. Irony as it is remains that till the time, the expected is ubiquitously seen in the remnant of our whole life, we remain susceptible to the conjectures of this balanced system!

Voltaire Quotes by The Performers
Voltaire Quotes by The Performers

Yes you serve a purpose!

I’m certain that just like me, you may wonder, even if it is for one brief moment, ‘what is it that I am supposed to do and that what I’m doing, is it supposed to be? And even if what I do is a forlorn attempt to escape this question, isn’t it that this is what I was supposed to do?’ This is when one stumbles over two paths; ‘subliminally remain unaware and inconspicuously do what I do’ OR ‘relentlessly renounce whatever I think I’m not supposed to do and waveringly search for what is indefinitely subjected to my belief, that this is what I’m supposed to do!’ And as the only permanent remains in me is the stubborn precocious child inclined to indite wondrous tales of his unrehearsed ballet of thoughts, that I choose the latter and that is when, yet again I resurrect from the remnants of my unrealistic life. A profound sense of meaning guides me into myriad of thoughts. Mark my words dear friend:

“Under the calm progression of this system, is taking place a transgressive movement in us, which is so disruptive in its essence that it foretells its inevitable advent, and then when it comes, only we will serve a purpose, who reflect now, on what remains unknown and will always remain so. With constant zeal to decipher the meaning of our existence, however unfruitful our efforts may seem, we will arrive on the ultimate answer in a very arbitrary sense, because as it is it will always look like, ‘A Mirage!’”

Gilles Deleuze quotes by The Performers
Gilles Deleuze quotes by The Performers

Define you own definition of ‘SUCCESS!’

Have we found an infallible method to measure the feats, human being is capable of? If we see how it’s being judged in the present system, then of course yes, undoubtedly it seems we have reached the vertex in defining human success. Unfortunately success and flourished life are dropping dead on reaching the threshold of extravagant ostentation. The lavish standard of living an individual can provide to his kin and the amount of morbid fascination that standard can inspire in those who witness it, has become a prevalent measure of defining success. Since when does this system became an integral part of our civilised world? And the most saddening part is that even if it looks wrong, nothing can be done about it. It has been deep rooted in us, that inconspicuously it works inside us. Question is; even if it is an inspiration, of what good it will be? Although nothing fundamental remains inside us that we can call our own, except that, which we have consciously pondered on, not just frivolously thought upon or got influenced from, something we have analysed by our innate reasons and made into our own identity, even if it cultivates and transforms endlessly, no regret seeps in for it is our own unsurpassed will. It is time to let go of this trivial yet savage burden, burden of expectations that holds you onto the path you don’t want to walk on. Even though it was you who at some point instilled those expectations in others, no greater harm can be done than to carry forward the load which cripples you. This system won’t hesitate a bit to make you grieve about your incapability to carry this burden, even if it happens, don’t pay any heed to it for your true kin won’t either. Come forward and take a good look at the present, everybody has taken part in this race of survival and think for yourself, that since when did survival became this difficult that one has to keep his conscious self on the ledge and let it get crushed in this blind race. ‘How much you care’, since when it has started to be measured by how much you can provide. Why should your capabilities be subjected to the whims and desires and expectations of people surrounding you? And when you fail, why should any question be raised on your credibility?

Federico Garcia Lorca quotes by The Performers
Federico Garcia Lorca quotes by The Performers

Life is unfair! (For everybody, just not for you)

Life seems unfair doesn’t it? Yes in a way it is! But guess what? Not for you. Consider and remind yourself of any person, who according to you has achieved success, has made a difference and reached the zenith of what we can say a meaningful life. (That person can be anybody, even very close to you.) Now think, or if you don’t know then find out, of all the circumstances surrounding their lives from the start, be it their personal, social life, consider the social structure surrounding them, also the contemporary time they grew up in, the state of the world before they were and at that particular time when they were, there isn’t an ounce of doubt that you would come across profound truths, you never knew existed in their times and lives. Try to imagine the unfavourable circumstances they faced, the chaos they must have felt right inside them, and now answer it; Was life unfair? It certainly seems so! Life in its veil of unfairness was mysteriously acting fair! They were pushed into the corner, made to face the most unpleasant circumstances in any or every form, and thats how life got the best out of them. Presence of uncertain and quiescent circumstances made sure the advent of their genius. This is why I want you to know that you are lucky, whether its physical, social or just psychological circumstances that seem unfavourable, and it’s all chaotic and disoriented everywhere, fear not for it is necessary to make you reach the zenith of your talent. Time has arrived for you and me to stop measuring our thoughts on the scale of right and wrong dictated by others, time has come to transmogrify from the unconscious state of thoughts to conscious ideas of our innate reason however absurd they may look.

Jostein Garder quotes by The Performers
Jostein Garder quotes by The Performers

World needs ‘Dunces‘ like us more than ever now!

Renounce this forced freedom that enslaves you and me, renounce it with dignity by choosing the road of endurance. A road which must be taken only after the hearth of our beliefs is shaken and questioned. The light which blinds us has to replaced with the sound of posterity, that wants us to be cognisant of the futility of an individual human existence, specially when it is conceitedly considered as an integral part of the natural order of things. Natural order undoubtedly has to be so dynamic that it continuously transpires itself into a perfect system, which will be hard to interpret. Inevitability of this progressive evolution is akin to the fact that, present before us lies a well thought conscious system that works on principles we relentlessly try to unravel. Another eternal verity in it remains that it doesn’t concerns itself with any moral or immoral, good or evil happenings whatsoever. Strike out any possibility of ‘destiny’ or rather ‘meant to be’. Remember that, “Nothing was ‘Meant to be’, rather it’s just that ’It was’ and now ’It is’ and on the morrow ‘It will’!” Deny the law of causality and all empirical view point that lures us into factuality of things as opposed to actuality of things. The mere thought of a preconceived destiny is upsetting in itself but then if it helps others to settle down and placidly remain hopeful towards a desirable want, let them be, you my friend come along, for in the midst of this placid state, hides a fervour in you and me. Let us saunter around looking like a dunce but hold our ken hidden deep within, waiting for the opportune moment when our ideas take a fully formed contour, for that will be the time, when obliquity of the prevailing system will be brutally savaged and pure enlightenment will see its long awaited zenith. That is when we will take away the attributes given to love, care, hope, faith and all those tenets, which have been an impediment for us to look beyond into the abyss that awaits us along the path we slavishly walk on. We will bring forth the adherents of idealism and make them look in the mirror of reality, maybe they’ll stop their pursuit of seeking that, which doesn’t exist independent of the crass stimulation that makes us withdraw ourselves from dignity, and hold survival to be the final aim. What they seek is temporary and if one gets fortunate sometimes it lasts for a life, for it lures him away from truth and manages to assure him that it is in the common weal or at least his. Blessed will be those who in this accursed times remain ignorant! Alas! It unravels that why ‘Ignorance is supposed to be a bliss’. But a day may come when veil of truth may descend upon them and ignorance itself may loose its virtue of being ignorant. That will be the time when no longer will the light illuminate the world, for every thing will happen to be incongruously admixed with an alien understanding of the world. That day may arrive and curse will be thrust upon those who seem blessed now. The world could use some dunces like you and me, yet again today, not disguised as artists, but purely borne from the valour that resurrects itself on the morrow, when tragedy of this present abject pedagogy will be realised. For then the advent of chaos may arrive, and push us to an extreme where we will be imbued with order and purpose, where life will be rearranged with new definitions of perseverance, prosperity, passion, knowledge, deference, reverence, faith and all those principles that have lost their meaning to uncalled sophistry.

A Performer quotes by The Performers
A Performer quotes by The Performers


Ridiculous Man
Well I'm... A theatre actor, director and a writer... I've an avid interest in philosophy and often write my random take on different aspects of life... I love to write poems and play guitar!

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